The Charities--Your purchase of any of these items will directly benefit two charities that were extremely important to Dudley Moore.
The Dudley Moore Research Fund for PSP
Dudley Moore died in March of 2002, four years after being diagnosed with Progressive Supranuclear Palsy (PSP). PSP is a rare, degenerative syndrome related to Parkinson's disease. Dudley lent his name to a research fund, and he helped to raise funds to find a cure for the condition, which affects balance, speech, coordination, swallowing and vision. Most of the estimated 20,000 people with PSP become wheelchair-bound and unable to speak in 3 to 8 years from diagnosis. Currently there is no cure. In honor of Dudley's long commitment to Music For All Seasons, MFAS created the Dudley Moore Research Fund for PSP in November of 1999 with a contribution from the Virgin Healthcare Foundation. At the present time, research continues internationally in search of a cure.
Music For All Seasons, Inc.
From its inception in 1991, until his death in 2002, Dudley Moore was a leading board member and President of the prestigious MFAS Advisory Board of 23 internationally renowned artists. Founded by Rena Fruchter and Brian Dallow, Music For All Seasons presents live, professional musical programs for people confined in facilities such as hospitals, nursing homes, prisons and special institutions for children. In its 2003-2004 season, new programs were added to serve women and children in shelters for victims of domestic violence. This project has been recognized with annual grants from the National Endowment for the Arts from 2005 through 2011. This year, MFAS launched “Voices of Valor,” a new initiative funded through a major grant from the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation. The project, free to all veterans, is designed to address the stress and trauma of veterans returning to civilian life through the creative use of music, lyrics and songwriting. MFAS performs on a regular basis at 70 facilities in New York, New Jersey, Connecticut, Pennsylvania and California, with a roster of 90 professional musicians performing varied musical styles in small ensembles. Proceeds from all items available through this website will enable MFAS to increase its services to these special populations.
